

Production for own consumption is one of the new production mechanisms implemented in Nicaragua. By Aquaponics, inhabitants of different regions of this country get vegetables such as lettuce, celery and mint.

Aquaponics is a production system that has recently used in Nicaraguan land, which is the combination of hydroponics (production of plants in water) and traditional aquaculture (ie: fish production).

With this mechanism, the plants grow in an aqueous surface that is full of nutrients; therefore, when performing the fusion of the two product methods, aquaponic is obtained. With the system fish and vegetables are produced at the same time.

The aquaponic’s production cycle works as follows, first, fish produce organic wastes, these feed bacteria found in the water naturally, thereby a component that can be absorbed by the roots of the plants is created

The main components for this type of “crops” are fish, bacteria and plants, a

According to Holvin Mejia, professor and head of the fish farm of the UNA, “these three factors should have good compatibility to give a good result.”



It is one of the best organic fertilizers obtained from the decomposition of organic matter : manure , plant waste , etc , made by worms .

This manure provides a balanced nutrition for plants ; as it provides nitrogen, calcium , magnesium, phosphorus , potassium and essential micronutrients for plants.

It contributes to improving soil physical conditions such as porosity , infiltration , aeration, etc.

Using lombrihumus

If the producer has the capacity to produce large amounts of lombrihumus he can apply it as fertilizer to the ground. Otherwise you can prepare substrate for seedling production .

To prepare the substrate used in the production of seedlings is recommended to mix 50% kuntán that is carbonized rice hulls and 50% lombrihumus to promote root growth .

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