Psychology at Trinity Christian School (2016)

This is an area of work that involves the study of teaching and learning of children and adolescents within the school premises.  It understands that it is necessary to analyse all forms of teaching and learning, to assess the effectiveness of educational interventions and to apply psychology to that end.


• To participate in educational and training work of students from a psychological perspective

• To facilitate and encourage the psychological development of our students in all its components - intellectual, psychomotor, social and affective-emotional, taking into account factors such as: management and administration, teaching staff and parents, and students.

• To support all proactive initiatives that will help to strengthen our Educational Project and Activities .Intervention with the teaching team.

• To provide advice and assistance on issues related to the practice and promotion of self-esteem, school motivation, assertive communication, problem situations in the classroom and the handling of specific cases (lack of motivation, poor performance, disruptive behavior, learning disabilities, etc.).

• To promote the practice of effective communication with our team.

• To co-ordinate, assist and provide follow-up care program for Special Needs Education curriculum adaptations based pair the student who needs it.

• To promote and coordinate meetings to discuss specific cases with the Directorate, Parents and Teachers.

• To support activities that promote the practice of ethical, moral and spiritual values in our school.

Intervention and Activities for Parents.

• Provide counseling requested by parents by appointment.

• Ensure the communication of relevant strategies when monitoring students.

• Work together with parents on upcoming school projects such as vocational school for parents and evaluation for all students in fourth and fifth year.

•Train teachers in specific areas such as learning disabilities, behavior, emotions and management in the classroom.

Intervention and activities for students

Observation and daily assessment in classrooms, according to the needs of students, in order to provide feedback (to parents and teachers) about the management of behavioral or learning situations

• Group interventions in the classrooms at the request of teachers.

• Discuss issues related to respect for differences, social skills, prevention of aggressive behavior or school bullying, or any another topic of interest.

• Promote healthy relationships among teachers and students from the good practice of science education and biblical teachings.

• Monitor students with behavioral and / or academic difficulties (included in the Program of Care for Special Needs Education) based on the curricular adjustments.

• Individual attention at the request of an elementary or secondary teacher.

We intend to promote and develop a comprehensive balance of students at Trinity Christian School. Our aim is to uphold values and attitudes which lead to a more harmonious coexistence. This includes assertive communication and contributing to the personality development of children and adolescents, by focusing on the spiritual, moral, social, and educational needs of all.

Contact: M.Sc. Helene Gómez Álvarez.

Days of operation: Monday-Friday. (By appointment).

Hours: 6:40 a.m.. To 4:00 am. | psicologí
